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If the meetings you attend or lead feel like they are a waste of time or a dreaded obligation, I can help. Effective meetings are where teamwork happens and the energy of an organization gets created or destroyed.

Do you have a meeting structure? Is it different depending on the subject?

Do you have rules of engagement - behaviors that reinforce values?

Is there tension in your meetings and is it a productive energy or not? Do your meetings build trust amongst the participants or diminish it?

How do you handle dissent?

Do you rate/evaluate the effectiveness of your meetings? What tools do you use to ensure productivity? Does everyone play a key role or not?

Imagine meetings where your team arrives energized to tackle the issues at hand, head-on, full of enthusiasm and confidence. Imagine navigating the issues and politics of situations Imagine everyone knowing how they fit into the gameplan and why their efforts matter? Imagine the room buzzing with creativity and mutual support for one another - a hum that peaks as you solve the toughest challenges. High performance team’s meetings feel this way. If yours don’t, let’s work together to make it better. We can make Team happen!